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Maintenance Of Large Dogs In The Apartment

The Mosgormudians are planning to prohibit the holding of large dogs in their apartments, and they intend to extend this rule not only to Moscow but also to Russia. This is reported on Monday, 23 January, with reference to Zoy Zotov, Chairman of the Commission on Environmental Policy of the Capital Parliament.

“We put such a rule in the bill. We'll consider it, we'll sign it, and then we'll send it as amendments to the federal document," said Zotova. This prohibition is considered necessary by the deputies to prevent possible attacks by dogs against residents, as well as to ensure the comfort of the animals themselves who lack space in apartments.

It is assumed that the prohibition will extend to dogs such as mastiffs, doses and sheep. This measure will not, however, apply to private landlords if conditions for the safety and comfort of an animal exist.

In September 2015, in Mosgordum, it was proposed that criminal sanctions be imposed on the owners of dogs and cats who threw animals outside. The author of the initiative, a member of the environmental commission of Mosgorduda Valeryi Telichenko, intends to propose to the State to finalize the draft law on the maintenance of domestic animals. In his view, the punishment of " home-based abandonment " should be tightened. There is now a fine of between one and two thousand roubles in Moscow for such an offence. The Mosgorduda deputate suggests that the offence of maltreatment of animals should be equivalent to one year of prison.

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