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Dog Content In The Growth Area

Вот такую стрелу вытащили из головы пса. Фото: страница ВконтактеThat's the shooter they pulled out of the head. The picture is the Web Contact page, "Saint House for Homeless Animals."

♪ The surgery lasted about an hour, told the director of Olga Mosyuk, where the dog is now. You can tell that it was a unique case. The arrows were really in the brain. It's a miracle the dog survived. Now the dog feels good. He's about a year, the size of the piano, and very furious. That's why we called him Misha.

It hasn't been a day since the operation, but Miscuta has already left the drug, hangs his tail and gladly meets every visitor. In fact, the dog is faithful and kind. He is now under 24-hour surveillance. He'll be shot in ten days. And then if it's all right, they'll be looking for his masters.

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