В тему собак без намордников и

Regulation Of Dogs And Cats

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Legislation on dog maintenance:

legal norms and responsibility for their violations

Between 1996 and 2000, a civil case No. 2-815 on the Ivanov family ' s claim to A. I. Shychin for health damages and moral damages was pending before the Primoor District Court of St. Petersburg. The action was based on the attack of two dogs, the breeds of mastino neapolitan, belonging to Shihtin, who had fled him in the park of Cheluskins, on a 10-year-old Valentine Ivanov. The claim was partially satisfied by a decision of the Primorsky Court of 26 July, as the claims were found to be valid and overstated. On 10 March, the City Court of St. Petersburg generally upheld the District Court ' s decision, rejecting the defendant ' s cassation appeal. The case was publicized, written on several occasions, discussed on radio and television. The public opinion, dismayed by the fact that dogs attacked the child, condemned and reprehensible by the lack of legal regulation in this area, by the passivity of the legislature, which, in the view of the speakers, created insurmountable obstacles to bringing to justice the owners of dogs responsible for the harm of other citizens. Is that it? The article before you seeks to analyse the case file and conclude on the state of legal regulation in this area.

The author of this article, who served as an assistant member of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, took an active part in 2000 in presenting to the Legislative Assembly a draft law of St. Petersburg on the maintenance of dogs in St. Petersburg. The draft law is currently under consideration by the Legislative Assembly. Legal problems related to the drafting of the Act will also be the focus of further discussion.

Legal regulation dogs Questions relating to the recognition of dogs, like any other animal, property, on the one hand, and legal and administrative relations regarding the security of dogs, on the other, are closely intertwined.

Administrative regulation is much more detailed and focused on this very narrow area.

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