Passport On The Dog
A letter was sent to Andreya Alexeievich, the head of the Usol City settlement, from the Svetlana Evloyev.
"Dear Andrei Alexeiwich!
First, congratulations on your victory! It's a victory, and you and a lot of people went to her with you. We're happy that you've been able to prove your job that the city and the area need their own, sanctuary and economic head of the city.
Secondly, as residents, we are particularly concerned about the state of our city for living in it. For the first time in Usolje, the man said: " Solarier is a clean and cozy town... " , " not a garbage dump, no roads, and a pack of hollows. homeless dogs" .
In this regard, Andrei Alexeiwich, I suggest that we consider and discuss the situation of homeless dogs. All those wishing to do the same call for a response to the discussion or suggestions on the pages of the Usol newspaper.
My proposal is as follows:
1. At the level of the city administration, make a decision on the legalization of all dog houses, namely, the master decides to set up a dog, so he and his pet go to a branch office where he gets a passport on a dog. Yes! It's a passport where all the data are: the name of the dog, the pond, the age, the vaccinations, the transmission of the disease, the contacts of the master. In the event of the death of a dog, the branch contributes to the cause of death in a passport and helps civilize the animal. The same is true of the problem of the insulation of animals and the elementary burial of them on a separate, detached land. I don't think the dead animals will be drowned in the river or thrown in a trash can.
Don't be sceptical about that and don't say there's no money.
Set up a fee for the registration of an animal in the city administration (the upgrading department would be appropriate) for the issuance of a passport of 200 to 300 roubles for a man who decided to set up a fourth friend with less money. The citizen must be aware that he is responsible for the animal, both moral and material, and that the underage puppies will not be thrown out when the children have already gained.
A register of issued passports and registered animals must be kept in the administration and in the branch so that at any time the windscreen or the administration (as well as the public) can verify whether the animal actually lives at the place of registration and, if not, the owner must explain where
It's here and what happened. If the master ' s explanations are imperfect and the dog has been thrown out or killed, the owner must pay a fine (two roubles).